Product Feed Media


基于Ajinomoto(株)的氨基酸技术和三十年以上对动物细胞培养基生产领域的经验而开发的动物细胞培养基。 生产和销售以化学定义成分的不含动物源的高性能培养基。


是被设计成可提高CHO细胞株的培养性能的高浓缩补料培养基。 CELLiSTFEED Media在保持蛋白质品质和功能的同时,支持完成所追求的细胞成长和生产效率。 FEED2可以和所有培养基一起使用,但是基本上最适合同CELLiST BASAL Media一起使用。

  • 由化学成分组成,不含动物源成分
  • 含有以Ajinomoto长期积累的氨基酸研究实力及专业知识为基础进行配制的优质氨基酸
  • 适合于包括CHO-K1、CHO-GS、CHO-S、CHO-DG44及CHO-DXB11在内几乎所有的CHO细胞系
  • 可根据客户要求提供多种形式的包装规格


Model No. FEED2
TYPE Powder
Concentration 110.0g / L
With Additives None
Without Additives L-Glutamine·D-Glucose·Insulin and other growth factors
Storage Condition 2℃ to 8℃, dark and dry
Shelf Life 36 months
Item Description Powder, chemically defined and animal derived component free medium, rehydrate to 1 L


CHO-K1 cell line
Fed-batch culture of CELLiST BASAL3 / BASAL10 with FEED2

A Viable cell density

B IgG Titer (Day 14)

CELLiST BASAL3+FEED2 and BASAL10+FEED2 combinations were evaluated against five popular commercial media brands in fed-batch culture. 6% of FEED2 was added on days 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12. Feeding manner for other commercial media was followed according to each manufacturer’s recommendation.

CHO-GS (CHOZN®) cell line
Fed-batch culture of CELLiST BASAL3 / BASAL10 with FEED2

A Viable cell density

B IgG Titer (Day 14)

CELLiST BASAL3+FEED2 and BASAL10+FEED2 combinations were evaluated against six popular commercial media brands in fed-batch culture. 4% of FEED2 was added on days 4, 7, 9, and 11. Feeding manner for other commercial media was followed according to each manufacturer’s recommendation.

CHO-DG44 cell line
Fed-batch culture of CELLiST BASAL3 with FEED2

A Viable cell density

B IgG Titer (Day 14)

CELLiST BASAL3+FEED2 was evaluated against eight popular commercial media brands in fed-batch culture. 4% of FEED2 was added on days 4, 7, 9, and 11. Feeding manner for other commercial media was followed according to each manufacturer’s recommendation.

CHO-S cell line
Fed-batch culture of CELLiST BASAL3 / BASAL10 with FEED2

A Viable cell density

B IgG Titer (Day 14)

CELLiST BASAL3+FEED2 and BASAL10+FEED2 combinations were evaluated against five popular commercial media brands in fed-batch culture. 4% of FEED2 was added on days 4, 6, 8, and 12. Feeding manner for other commercial media was followed according to each manufacturer’s recommendation.


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