味の 素CELLiST Korea 株式会社は、味の素株式会社のアミノ酸技術と30年以上にわたる動物細胞培養培地事業での経験を基に、カスタム培地の開発はもちろん、従来の培地にサプリメントを追加して培地の性能を高めるファインチューニングまで、お客様の細胞株と工程に適した培地を提供するための多様なカスタムサービスを提供しています。
Offer the optimized medium under not only early development but latter/commercial phase
We provide switch program which allows customers to enhance productivity and to reduce costs while keeping product quality even under commercial phase.
Stage | R&D | Clinical | NDA | Marketed |
Pipelines | 27 | 21 | 1 | 4 |
Rapid analysis of a newly established CHO cell line was followed with intensive media development process, leading to significantly improved productivity in a short period of time.
Our unique capabilities allow for strong and flexible support to the customer:
Development can be quickly initiated with starting medium optimal for the customer's cell line. Candidate redia calbe rapidly evaluated by an array of industry-leading high throughput systems supported by experienced researchers, Complete, high-throughput analysis of spent media, including amino acids, vitamins, minerals and other components, allows for a customized and efficient optimization. DoE and statistical analysis, combined with our long experience in media formulation, leads to rapid design of optimal composition. Keeping in mind customer goals and deadlines. our professional development team supports the customer throughout the process up to commercialization stage.Efficient media development and optimization cycles throughout the collaboration with Chugai led to drastic increase in productivity, reaching high protein titer of 12 g/L. In the development process, our proprietary L-Cysteine technology, allowing high concentration and liquid stability, contributed to the largel improvement in titer. In addition, media performance was further enhanced based on in-house knowledge* and additional spent media analysis, optimizing concentrations of potassium and phosphate, among other components.
Precipitation Inhibition
Our proprietary composition stabilized liquid media enhancing L-Cysteine.
Titer Improvement
L-Oysteine high-concentration with liquid-stability increased liter.